2nd Workshop/Hackathon on Dynamic Resources in HPC (EuroHPC-JU class of 2019)

Data: 16/Oct/2023 Time: 10:30 - 20/Oct/2023 Time: 14:00


Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Auditorium BSC-Repsol building (floor -1)

Cost: Free of charge

Primary tabs


We would like to invite you to participate in the 2nd “EuroHPC Workshop/hackathon on Dynamic Resources in HPC”, co-located with the 5th Marenostrum Hackathon (MNHack23) , at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, in October 2023 from the 16th to the 20th.

We are planning an interactive event that will help to align the research and production direction of multiple EuroHPC projects, including DEEP-SEA, EuPILOT, ADMIRE, REGALE, and TIME-X.

Malleability on large-scale supercomputers is part of many EuroHPC projects and poses highly interdisciplinary challenges concerning the full system stack, new scheduling strategies, applications supporting malleability, etc. To ensure a long-lasting impact of the efforts around all individual EuroHPC projects, this event will be a hands-on session around the following malleability topics:

• Implement malleable applications

• Adopting malleability frameworks

• Programming model/tools for malleability.

• Scheduler for malleability

This workshop is planned to be an amplifier of collaborations around malleability. Therefore, the goal of the workshop is to implement malleable applications, gain a common understanding of the use cases and their requirements, to establish commonly shared terminology, and identify elements that can be moved to a standardization process, like via the MPI API.

Technical Talks

To be announced.

Important Information

  • Registration deadline: 9 October 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: before 11 October 2023 (we will try to review it as soon as possible after your submission).
  • Date: 16/Oct/2022 - 20/Oct/2023
  • Place: BSC Building Auditorium (Floor -1)
  • Cost: Free of charge.
  • Contact: sergio.iserte@bsc.es

BSC's Organizing Committee

General Chairs: Sergio Iserte and Antonio J. Peña.


Here: https://www.bsc.es/2nd-workshop-hackathon-on-dynamics-resources-in-hpc#overlay-context=2nd-workshop-hackathon-on-dynamics-resources-in-hpc

List of participants

Sergio Iserte (BSC, Deep-Sea)

Hacking Modules


Past events in this series:

1st EuroHPC Workshop on Malleability in HPC https://sites.google.com/view/eurohpcmalleability

1st EuroHPC malleability hackathon https://sites.google.com/view/1st-eurohpc-mall-hackathon/


Low budget

  • Student residence Torre Girona (https://www.resainn.com): 2 minutes walking
  • Student residence Diagonal (https://www.resainn.com): 13 minutes walking
  • Albergue Studio Hostel (https://www.alberguestudio.com): 20 minutes walking

Medium budget

  • Bonanova Park (http://hotelbonanovapark.com/): 14 minutes walking
  • Arenas Atiram Hotel (http://www.atiramhotels.com/hoteles/barcelona/hotel-arenas-atiram-cerca-camp-nou/): 13 minutes walking
  • Hotel Upper Diagonal (https://www.hotel-upperdiagonal.com): 7 minutes walking
  • Catalonia Rigoletto (https://www.cataloniahotels.com/es/hotel/catalonia-rigoletto?mb=1) 15 minutes walking

High budget

  • Sansi Pedralbes (https://www.hotelsansipedralbes.com): 7 minutes walking
  • Limehome Barcelona (https://www.limehome.com/suites?city=110&guests=1&property=271): 15 minutes walking


The expenses of coffee break/lunch and social dinner will be covered by BSC.