Tomas Bensadon Oliart

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Tomás Bensadón graduated in Quantum Physics and Physical Chemistry (2018) from University College London (UCL), UK. He then obtained an MSc in Particle Physics (2019), also at UCL. His thesis focused on developing physical studies for a Very High Energy Electron-Proton Collider (VHEeP), which would use proton-driven plasma wake field acceleration to reach the highest ever achieved electron-proton centre-of mass.

He then worked for the United Nations at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria. Working at the Fusion Department, he assisted in the preparation of international meetings, such as the DEMO workshop, and supported coordination and consolidation of inputs from international fusion experts.

In 2020 he joined the Fusion Theory Group (CASE) at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) as a PhD student under the supervision of ICREA professor Mervi Mantsinen, where his thesis research focuses on the analysis of ITER performance with different heating schemes using predictive integrated plasma modelling.

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